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What I would do with Ebola….

Like anyone else with anything to do with natural health care, I have been drowning in questions about herbal and other “natural” approaches to Ebola. A couple of thoughts and some info follow. Remember that I am not a doctor, so I am not trying to diagnose or prescribe for anybody’s disease, just sharing my personal thoughts and ideas.

Ebola is not a new disease. It has been around for ages, and over the last 38 years there have been 25 confirmed, significant outbreaks in West Africa. Prior to this year, the cumulative number of people who had died in those outbreaks totaled 1037; in Canada over 1500 people died of the flu in the last two years. About 40 million died in the flu outbreak if 1918, including nearly 700,000 in the US, so hopefully that gives some perspective. This outbreak has obviously been much larger than most, but we wouldn’t even know about it if an American hadn’t gotten sick. Ebola is not more contagious than other viruses, just more deadly if you do contract it.

What to do about it? As with any virus, the best defense is a strong immune response. Of over 40 people who had direct, even intimate contact prior to his hospitalization with the first victim to die in the US, none have developed any symptoms of the disease and all were released from 3 weeks of quarantine today. Granted, two nurses did develop the disease, but 40 people who had no protection did not. As one doctor in West Africa put it, we are fighting two diseases, one is Ebola, and one is fear of Ebola! If you are still particularly concerned simple things like adding colloidal silver (quality is critical here, since most home-made and many commercial solutions have particles large enough to also kill good bacteria, and should be 18-20ppm) to your water, or diffusing Guardian essential oil blend in your home or office have been shown to reduce pathogens, and thus your likelihood of contracting anything. Eating well, getting plenty of rest, and taking adaptogenic herbs like Suma and Astragalus are no-brainers. One study years ago found that white vinegar was more effective than chlorine or peroxide solutions at eliminating HIV virus from hospital surfaces, so don’t stress your body with chemical cleaners and synthetic anti-bacterial products. Maintain a great probiotic level with a good variety of cultured foods, and consider adding a supplement if foods like kefir and kimchee haven’t been dietary staples (I like Probiotic 11). None of these treat any disease-but your body will recognize and eliminate foreign entities more effectively if you take care of it appropriately.

Specific supports I would look at are based on what I know about how the virus works. In all hemorrhagic fevers, the mucous membranes seem to be compromised. They constitute the first responders to any kind of foreign element, from a piece of dirt in your eye, to pollen or viruses in your nose, to toxins in the food you eat, so I would support mine with Marshmallow root, which coats, soothes and provides materials to rebuild compromised tissues. I have read that the virus disables the body’s ability to recognize invaders and replace normal cells, and stimulates reproduction of itself instead (interesting; that is how cancer works, and many researchers believe cancer is actually virus-instigated!). To trigger immune response I would be thumping my thymus gland (in the center of the chest, a la Tarzan). I would take lots of (cider) vinegar baths, which help to maintain hydration, especially when people can’t keep enough in orally, and keeps the acid mantle high enough to fight pathogens. Most of all, I would live in faith, not fear!

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