Super Magic Fix-Everything Formula!!

One of my apprentices walked into my office a few years ago and asked if I had seen a recent article about a new wonder-mix that would pretty much fix anything that ailed you. She was surprised when I responded that I had not, but asked if it included apple cider vinegar and honey or molasses. Astonished, she asked how I had known. Easy. Whenever there is a slow day at the tabloids it’s released again with another startling ‘new’ cure claim-most of which are right!! The newest version is, where the former two ingredients are mixed with grapefruit juice for a “fat-burning” miracle.
So what’s the deal? Real apple cider vinegar (Best is still Bragg’s) is a live, cultured product that contains three principal properties. First is live enzymes to aid in the digestion and assimilation of whatever you eat in any kind of reasonably near time frame; live cultures also are essential for immune function and intestinal health. I keep a bottle of Bragg’s on a rack near my stove, which generated enough warmth for the culture to grow into kombucha-style mushrooms in the bottle. I use it to add a splash of flavor on or in just about everything I prepare, and frequently drink it mixed with water and maple syrup. If I was home and more organized I would separate some of the babies into bottles of diluted fruit juice or coconut water to create Kevita-like beverages ( don’t drink regular kombucha because I avoid caffeine; great article at The benefits promoted for kombucha are essentially the same for raw vinegar! Most vinegars are not live, and ONLY live, fruit based vinegars have the benefits we are discussing-white vinegar is usually corn or wood-pulp based-and has no health advantage whatsoever.
Second, the breakdown of the fruit base (usually apples or grapes)retains all of the trace minerals found in the source, in a form that has increased bio-availablity. The magic mixtures, whether credited to a long-lost family recipe or aliens (yes, they have been given full credit in several articles) often include molasses, which has even more trace minerals, one of the most-lacked nutrient groups in our modern diet. Trace minerals are critical for glandular function, feeding the pituitary and ancillary glands including the thyroid. Alfalfa and Spirulina tend to particularly support the pituitary, while dulse and kelp are higher in the iodine needed for thyroid function. Since the pituitary governs when all other glands kick in or up their function, and the thyroid regulates metabolism and calcium uptake you can see that just about everything would work and feel better with the “magic” combo. Minerals are part of what alleviate spasms, so the “magic” vinegar mix is correctly touted for relieving leg cramps; use vinegar alone topically or in baths.
The malic acid that also helps reduce cramping is part of the third benefit, which is that vinegar supports balanced acid levels in the body. I am NOT a fan of ph balancing programs as a rule; proper ph changes constantly and manipulating it can be dangerous in the long run. A couple of basic rules DO apply. Your stomach needs to be highly acidic to break down protein properly, regardless of whether the protein is plant or animal based. Too little good acid results in excessive bad acid in the blood, joints, etc.. Drinking vinegar or another acidic beverage in small amounts may be helpful when eating by increasing the stomach’s ability to work properly. I don’t encourage drinking much of anything with meals, since it encourages people to flush food down with something more alkaline than stomach fluid, like water, rather than chewing. Your skin should also be somewhat acidic, which is why vinegar is an effective body splash (the smell dissipates rapidly), especially for people who have some types of skin irritation. The high acid level breaks down the cell walls of bacteria and other organisms; in the 1990’s vinegar was found more effective against HIV and related viruses than bleach or any antibacterial product, and it’s the best thing I know for ringworm. Together, these properties are also the basis for recommendations for a (diluted) vinegar douche for vaginal infections.