Whys, Hows, And Wherefor(m)s!
I was filling a bottle with a glycrine extract of licorice root for my new, Caesarian-born granddaughter and got to thinking about why I...
MICRO Cancer Managers!
Heard a great TED talk last week discussing Micro RNA and its apparent role in directing cancer proliferation, which is part of a testing...
Safe, Effective Herb Quality
A client sent me a link to the herb safety article below this morning, asking for my feedback. The study found that the majority of...
Sinus Infection, Silver and Neti Pot Quick tips
Text message Q&A: My son has a sinus infection. I have silver shield left. Should he take it straight or mix it with juice or Gatorade?...
Q&A: Children’s Vitamins and Anemia
Question: One question I have is, are you or were you in the medical field? I couldn’t remember if you were a nurse or not. I remember a...