Laundry Woes
I went to visit a friend with asthma a few nights ago, and just about choked when I had to close the door to her bathroom, where several...
Q&A: Underlying Issues
Question: My husband does not believe in Muscle Testing. He likes the smell of essential oils. He is struggling with a lot of emotional...
Q&A: Staying Healthy and Strong in Pregnancy
Question: I’m in Austria and have just realized that I AM PREGNANT!! [Our friend] recommended some Brewer’s Yeast, which I found. Any...
Go Nuts!
Another great new nut study….2.4 ounces a day of pistachios significantly reduced markers for lung cancer, and likely provides protection...
When Fat is Your Friend
Just saw another study linking high intake of fish to low incidence of heart disease in Eskimos, who have obesity rates slightly higher...
Testosterone Trouble?
A recent study in Australia reviewed Testosterone levels in men over thirty. From the TV commercials you would think that low...
Mind Over Milkshakes
Imagine drinking a sensible fruit-and-protein-powder smoothie. Now stop a minute, clear your mind, and imagine you’re drinking a luscious...
Q&A: Bone Fragments
Question: My mother had problems with bone fragments after teeth extraction. When they pulled her teeth, they damaged her jawbone...
Q&A: Snoring
Question: I started snoring very loudly about two years ago. Previously I did not snore at all. I’m 56 years old, 5’3” and have weighed...
Q&A: Loss and Grief
Question: I have recently suffered a loss and some kind of nervous breakdown. It has since been two months and am wondering what I can...