Mind Over Milkshakes
Imagine drinking a sensible fruit-and-protein-powder smoothie. Now stop a minute, clear your mind, and imagine you’re drinking a luscious...

Q&A: Bone Fragments
Question: My mother had problems with bone fragments after teeth extraction. When they pulled her teeth, they damaged her jawbone...

Q&A: Snoring
Question: I started snoring very loudly about two years ago. Previously I did not snore at all. I’m 56 years old, 5’3” and have weighed...

Q&A: Loss and Grief
Question: I have recently suffered a loss and some kind of nervous breakdown. It has since been two months and am wondering what I can...

Q&A: Fats and the Liver
Question: I am a Body Systems Counselor and I am working with a person who has Hepatitis C as well as a low thyroid. His thyroid seems...