Surviving the Teen Years
A friend of mine was recently telling me about the troubles she was having with her teenage son. I advised her to try Blessed Thistle,...

Eliminating Parasites
I had a great follow-up appointment today with a young woman who has had serious digestive troubles for several years, since acquiring a...

Homemade Remedy for a Muscle Cramp
So Matthew, my 15 year-old, just called from a hiking/caving trip and asked what he could do to make the arch of his foot stop hurting....

A Personal Health Experience
In April of 2003 I learned that we would be losing our health insurance, so I went to the Gynecologist to have an IUD removed before I...

Pesty Petsy Problems?
When most people think of parasites, they first think of their pets. Some of my best clients are of the four legged or finned variety;...

A Preemie Thrives on Herbs
Even in medical crisis, natural tools can help! After having three children, two of them born at home, it was easy to believe I was fully...